Sunday, December 6, 2009

"One Day.."

This is my very first blog. Being an avid reader of novels, books and pretty much anything I can lay my hands on, I have always loved the English language, creative writing and everything related to it. I realized a blog of my own was long overdue when, while giving an interview for my first potential job, it became apparent that my passion lay in writing. My interviewer asked the now obvious question with a piercing look from behind his pinz- nez glasses, 'So do you maintain a blog?' probably expecting me to go into a fantastical speech about how I started my own blog at an astonishingly young age and how completely addicted I am to it. Instead, I answered with my standard reply, 'No, not yet, but I would love to start one some day', desperately wishing that my hope for the future would be a satisfying reply.

Now if you are a fellow human being, you would understand this. Does the 'one day' really ever arrive? I didn't think so, until the middle- aged man gave me a puzzled look in reply, 'You should start one, young lady!' After similar advice from my next two interviewers, here I am- writing my very first blog. Much to their satisfaction.. and mine.