Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Modest Proposal

Based on the satirical essay 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift - This proposal, where he suggests that the Irish eat their own children, is one of his most drastic pieces.(

          India is the fastest developing country in the world. While a certain part of the country is moving ahead at a brisk pace with ground- breaking technologies and a booming economy, the rest is left behind in dismal poverty, slums, lack of facilities for sanitation and educational purposes, severing the nation in two.

          Though India is ahead of many countries in numerous ways and thought of as the world's next super power, a lot of impending issues of concern to our nation need looking into, such as basic food and shelter to a lot of rural areas. Public facilities like roads, bridges, drainage systems and public health care need attention too.

          The gap between the rich and the poor is alarming, as is the population of our country- a baby is born every 1.25 seconds in India! These are peculiar problems that India has to find unique solutions to.

         It seems that the country felt the urgency to keep up with the pace of the world when it emerged as a brand new democratic county, with fresh ideas and brilliant minds from under the British rule not more than sixty years ago. As a result, a lot of essential stages of learning and experience were skipped.

          Now, my proposal would be to stop the development of the country altogether. Progress in any shape or form should be discouraged. This would be our only hope of bridging the gap between the haves and the have- nots.

          Firstly, it is advisable to terminate any kind of communication between India and the outside world. This would ensure that India does not develop in parallel, along with the other countries. This includes similar restrictions to trade economically as well as goods and services. This would effectively stop the outsourcing of jobs to India from other countries ( a major industry in Bangalore). In fact, this has the double advantage of making India a self- efficient country out of necessity! Also, any contact with the outside world, including the NRI's (Non Indian Resident Indian) will have grave consequences.

          Secondly, all scientists and other professionals who may be involved in groundbreaking fields may stop inventing, discovering and innovating. Their research would have to stop until the rest of the country has arrived at the same plane. In fact, this can be considered as a double- edged sword as well- the money that is saved from these researches can be employed into an equally good use by helping uplift the downtrodden in the country.

          Thirdly, if the total worth of money in cash or goods, possessed by any individual, exceeds the limit of five crore in rupees, at any point in time, he or she is liable to receive a light sentence of punishment. In addition, the amount of cash exceeding the limit will be forfeited to the coffers of the Indian Government, which again can be used to advance the cause of the poor.

          The Government should be critically scruitanised during this period not only by the media, but by every citizen of the nation, the people may as well be given the power to overthrow any political leader.

          This entire system, in all its brilliance, can last until every Indian has access to basic necessities like quality food, shelter, education, health care, sanitation and public service. Then, and only then, can India be allowed to continue to develop- only this time, she takes every Indian along with her.


  1. Are you sure? I seriously doubt that human nature would go along with this or that there would be sufficient agreement to implement it. Those who can get ahead will try to do so. And if progress is halted in India, and your plan is followed, then India will be behind again when they finally return to contact with the rest of the world. The world is too small nowadays for isolationism to be workable. Not that I have a solution either, but it seems to me that the compassion of individuals must be awakened so they do their duty towards those less fortunate--this must be done by people's hearts, not by government mandate (although the government can help).

  2. Yes, this is in no way my answer to India's problems. Like I said, it is a satire, viewing the nations problems with humour.

    I wish we found a way to do what you say- to touch people's hearts, to awaken them to the duty they have at hand. Then this country, and the world, would be a much better place to live in.
