Monday, January 4, 2010

The effect of the 9/11 attacks on my generation

         It finally got to the point where people automatically tuned out when any kind of news report on the September eleventh terrorist attack on the World Trade Center aired on television. That was how much coverage the attacks received by the media.

          It is interesting to ponder if the impact this incident had on America and the world, satisfied the purpose that the terrorists in mind. But the one thing that the terrorists certainly did not aim for was the unity, patriotism and the feeling of oneness not only in the country but for the entire human kind- including people of every age group.

          One of the attributes of humans is the want for an opposing force to be able to bond stronger with one's own kind- and precisely this was offered by the terrorists on a golden platter. Teens who once  mocked the feelings of patriotism and standing up for oneself- now have a renewed faith and belief in oneness.

          This incident hit the young generation deep due to the fact that they led a comfortable, sheltered life where terrorist attacks not unlike the one on the Twin Towers, were observed from a distance. The realisation of such a tragedy on themselves, jolted the youth from their slumber. Though the saddening reality remains that it took more than a thousand lost lives to see a generation come together, it stresses on the importance of unity now more than ever.

          Remarkably, this generation of youngsters directed the sorrow incurred into many positive activities. People no longer stepped back and let others do the work, they took the initiative and acted. It taught them to reach out and help other people- there was an outpouring of kindness shown in many different ways. I believe that people have finally realised what a difference they can make to turn this world into a better place to live in.

          9/11 was a tragedy turned into a cause for reflection and realisation for the betterment of the human kind.

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